Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Children are signs of life in a church. They represent our best opportunities to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ. And, they represent the future of our faith and church. We must point them to Christ.

Meet the teachers.

Bill Watson
Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor
Bio - Coming soon!
Annetta Watson
Children's Ministry
Bio - Coming soon!

Shari Darnell
Children's Ministry
Bio - Coming soon!

Catherine Moynihan-Green
Children's Ministry
Bio - Coming soon!
Nursery is available on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Our children's environment is:
Safe - Safety is the precursor to everything else we want to do here. Therefore, we go to great lengths to ensure every child is safe. Every teacher is made aware of all allergies, preferences, and special needs. Every hallway is monitored with security personnel. We can't do what we do each Sunday without first providing kids with a safe environment to engage, learn and grow.
Clean - The environment a child walks into creates a lasting impression on both the child and parent. We strive to cultivate a clean, organized, and well-structured atmosphere because attention to detail underscores the value we see in every child. Each one of our classrooms are thoroughly evaluated on a weekly basis to ensure they are both child safe as well as clean. Toys are wiped after every service and are replaced often. Storage bins are organized regularly. We are committed to the overall health and wellness of our children -- spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Relational - Jesus knows every child's name. We want to show kids that Jesus knows them intimately by creating a culture that allows them to be both known and loved by their peers and teachers. We are passionate about developing lasting relationships with each child who attends our program. We believe that personal connections with peers and adults alike are essential in every child's journey with Jesus.
Fun - We serve a creative God! His creation shows us He has a heart that is innovative, interactive, and fun. One thing we adults can learn from our children is to remember to be silly and joyful. At PWC, we strive to create an environment that leaves kids with their eyes wide in wonder and their bellies aching with laughter, because we believe that this glorifies our God.
Clean - The environment a child walks into creates a lasting impression on both the child and parent. We strive to cultivate a clean, organized, and well-structured atmosphere because attention to detail underscores the value we see in every child. Each one of our classrooms are thoroughly evaluated on a weekly basis to ensure they are both child safe as well as clean. Toys are wiped after every service and are replaced often. Storage bins are organized regularly. We are committed to the overall health and wellness of our children -- spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Relational - Jesus knows every child's name. We want to show kids that Jesus knows them intimately by creating a culture that allows them to be both known and loved by their peers and teachers. We are passionate about developing lasting relationships with each child who attends our program. We believe that personal connections with peers and adults alike are essential in every child's journey with Jesus.
Fun - We serve a creative God! His creation shows us He has a heart that is innovative, interactive, and fun. One thing we adults can learn from our children is to remember to be silly and joyful. At PWC, we strive to create an environment that leaves kids with their eyes wide in wonder and their bellies aching with laughter, because we believe that this glorifies our God.
Sunday Mornings
Lessons, games, and activities. Learning stories and planting seeds of faith that will sprout for eternity.
Praise & worship service with adults until about noon then more fun, crafts, lessons, and games which all point little hearts to a big God.